Sieben Winter in Teheran

by Steffi Niederzoll

International Competition

Italian premiere

Genre: doc


(France, Germany / 2023 / 97’)

#Women pioneers of freedom

Iran, 2007: Reyhaneh Jabbari, 19, is sentenced to death for the murder of the man who tried to rape her. Thanks to videos, family testimonies and letters written by the young woman in prison, the film traces the fate of Reyhaneh, a universal symbol of resi- stance to violence against women.

Debate after the film by Associazione Orlando, speakers include Marilisa De Palma, Orlando member, and Zahra Tofigh, Iranian jurist and human rights activist, part of the Free Iranian Women's Association.

In collaboration with Orlando Association and Methodist Church of Bologna and Modena and the Waldensian Diaconia