Educational Projects



The spread of film culture as a tool for inclusion and dialogue between different cultures and generations is the goal of Biografilm Festival, pursued over the years by building networks and collaborations with local realities.


Since 2012 Biografilm has developed lots of educational projects of social inclusion in collaboration with local realities, particularly directed to young people and migrants (Biografilm School, Biografilm Kids, Biografilm Welcome, Bring The Change), but also to the over 60s (Biofilm Old School). Biografilm has worked and works with secondary schools, universities, film schools, juvenile prisons, educational institutions, social communities and cooperatives, migrant centers, libraries, associations, foundations and local institutions. We involve all these realities not only in educational projects, but also in the Festival programming by organizing side events and Q&As together. Long-term collaboration brings reciprocity, so sometimes we propose projects and sometimes we act as partners, carrying out educational activities all year round. 


With BIOGRAFILM CAMPUS, the Festival offers in different contexts a range of training courses related to cinema which, starting from the fundamental concepts of inclusionparticipation and comparison, could enhance and support the talent and creativity of the younger generations, making them feel protagonists of the present and of the future of the society. The educational projects have a multi-year value and, even though adapting to different users and situations, they have the following activities in common:


  • Paths of vision and education to documentary narration: documentary cinema as a stimulus to critical thinking. Using the films of the Biografilm Festival program, the educational offer of Biografilm Campus includes literacy workshops and education in documentary narration and viewing paths, studied and diversified according to the different contexts and users, with the aim of offering to the beneficiaries tools to interpret reality, to develop critical thinking and dialogue skills, free from stereotypes and prejudices.


  • Active participation in Biografilm Festival: The Festival as a training experience. Biografilm Festival aims to be not only a cultural event, but also a social and collective experience capable of creating community. For this reason, in the educational projects there is the possibility to participate in the Festival not only as an audience, but also as jurors, interviewers, debate moderators, and more generally "narrators".


  • Practical videomaking, storytelling and writing workshops: narration and self-narration exercises to enhance the diversity of talents. In the different paths, the final realization of one or more artistic projects is envisaged, which will allow the beneficiaries to use immediately the skills acquired, enhancing them and experimenting with different storytelling techniques firsthand in the field. The practical workshops are created each time on the specific profiles of the beneficiaries, taking into account the context of origin and in a participatory way: the objectives are defined together each time, involving where possible the community to which they belong.


In addition to these activities, Biografilm designs and co-designs ad hoc training courses to train highly specialized professional figures in the field in the production processes of film festival realization, which can respond to the very strong demand for this type of staff by film festivals and events both at the Regional and national level. The goal is to foster the development of the talents of young people, and especially their inclusion in the working world.


For details on the active projects, see the specific info sheet.


For more information or to propose a collaboration, you can contact Chiara Boschiero, coordinator of the educational projects:

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