Biografilm Academy is a free advanced training course for cultural operators who can get to know the world of film festivals and become part of it, realised from 2023 by Associazione Fanatic About Festivals - the organiser of Biografilm Festival, together with ForModena - an accredited entity for training in Emilia-Romagna, Alma Mater Studiorium University of Bologna and other partners collaborating in the realisation of the festival and the training course.
The course, Operation RIF PA 2023-20280/RER, is approved by DGR 2195/2023 of 18/12/2023, co-funded with European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region ESF+ 2021/2027 and in 2024 reaches its second edition.
The main goal is to train highly specialised figures who can respond to the demand from film festivals and events for this type of professionalism at regional and national level.
At the end of the training activity, the participants may be employed in various capacities in businesses dealing with events/festivals, or collaborate in their realisation.
The course is open to people resident or domiciled in Emilia-Romagna before registration for the training course and in possession of the following requirements: completion of the mandatory education and training school obligation; medium good computer skills; knowledge/skills in the audiovisual sector acquired in working and/or formal, non-formal or informal learning contexts. Experience in the audiovisual sector and in the topics covered by the course will be of added value.
180 hours of teaching with industry professionals, with case studies and practical workshops.
120 hours of internship between May and June during the 20th edition of Biografilm Festival (7-17 June 2024).
Partner companies: I Wonder Pictures, Pop Up Cinema (Black Mamba SRL and Montegrappa Cinema SRL), KW SRL, TCB SRL.
Also collaborating in the realisation of lectures and testimonies are: BAM! Strategie culturali, Archilabò, Zalab, Laboratorio delle parole, Arpae Emilia-Romagna and Studio Roof.
Planned start of lessons: 19 February 2024.
Classes will take place from February to May 2024 (the calendar will be published here by 31 January), Monday to Friday, in Bologna at the Lydia Borrelli Library in Via Saragozza 236.
Apply by 31 January 2024 by sending ForModena:
Contacts for info and application: Cristina Piccinini ( and Elisa Stefani (
The selections for access to the Course will take place:
Tuesday 06/02/2024 (written test)
Thursday 08/02/2024 and Friday 09/02/2024 (oral test)
The figure to be trained is a professional who knows how to move transversally in the production processes of realising a live event such as a film festival, but who at the same time develops specific skills and knows how to approach the transformations that are affecting live events and film festivals in the field of both digital innovation and design, with a transversal focus on environmental sustainability.
In particular, it aims to increase the knowledge and develop the skills of the learners by focusing on two areas:
1) Audience development - the study, creation and targeting of one's own audience through participatory planning with the territory, data collection and analysis, loyalty strategies and diversified accreditation.
2) Communication - the communication plan of a festival, the study and realisation of graphic and video materials able to build the festival's brand identity and reach different audiences, the work of the press office, social media management strategies and the strategic use of digital innovations.
The programme is divided into the following training modules for a total of 300 hours, of which 180 hours of theory and 120 hours of internship.
Teachers of the Biografilm Academy 2024:
Fabio Abagnato, responsible for Emilia-Romagna Film Commission; Federico Borreani, project manager at BAM! Cultural Strategies; Chiara Boschiero, head of educational projects and senior programmer of Biografilm; Paola Brembilla, professor of Television and Digital Media Unibo; Benedetta Caponi, commercial office manager of IWonder Pictures; Emanuela Ceddia, marketing director of I Wonder Pictures; Luca Cioci, specialist in Ai & Marketing; Marco Cucco, professor of Cultural Economics at Unibo; Alessandro Di Pasquale, programming office coordinator of Biografilm; Daniela Dubla, founder & CEO of Inner. ME; Francesco Fantoni, vice-president Pop Up Cinema; Federico Ferrari, artistic director of Ennesimo Film Festival; Monica Ghisleri, accreditation and hospitality manager of Biografilm; Chiara Liberti, artistic co-director of Biografilm; Paolo Martinelli, professor, semiologist and president Archilabò; Caterina Mazzucato, coordinator of Bio to B Industry Days and senior programmer of Biografilm Italia; Gustavo Marfia, professor of Data Management for Consumption at Unibo; Massimo Mezzetti, general director of Biografilm Festival; Elisa Palagi, Biografilm editorial content manager; Guglielmo Pescatore, professor of Data Analysis for Media at Unibo; Marco Pisciotta, I Wonder Pictures editions manager; Lucia Pornaro, cultural and audiovisual sector planner for ZaLab; Susanna Ricci, head of Quality Service Ecomanagement Training at ARPAE; Andrea Romeo, distributor and producer, CEO of I Wonder Pictures and Pop Up Cinema, founder of Biografilm; Emiliano Rossi, researcher in Media Economics and Marketing Unibo; Francesca Rossini, press office Laboratorio delle Parole; Milo Sarrini, project manager at BAM! Cultural Strategies; Giada Sartori, social media & community manager for Biografilm; Enzo Setteducati, artistic director of Pop Up Cinema Bologna; Massimo Sterpi, director of Pop Up Cinema Bologna; Alessandra Sisti, project manager at IWonder Pictures; Adriano Sforzi, director and screenwriter; Helga Tenaglia, prevention technician in the environment and workplaces at ARPAE; Martina Tormena, cultural and social project manager for ZaLab; Riccardo Volpe, production director of Biografilm.