20 January 2025
We are excited to announce the launch of the Biografilm Generazioni Digitali website, an innovative project dedicated to the training of teachers and the direct involvement of classes in the world of cinematographic language and visual self-narration.
What is it all about?
Biografilm Generazioni Digitali offers didactic - laboratory paths to :
Explore the cinematographic language
Experiment with visual self-narration tools
Promote an ethical and conscious use of images shared online.
The project involves schools in three provinces of Emilia-Romagna, operating in both peripheral and metropolitan contexts.
What can you find on the site?
From today, the Biografilm Generazioni Digitali website is available for:
Access the teaching kit, a set of practical tools for teachers and students.
Consult the media library, full of useful resources to deepen the themes of the project.
The media library uses the I WONDER SCUOLE platform to offer viewing of the films in the catalogue. The service is completely free of charge for all schools participating in the project.
Find out more and participate!
Generazioni Digitali is a Biografilm project, realised in partnership with Archilabò, Associazione Culturale QB - Animaphix, Caracò, I Wonder Pictures, Pop Up Cinema, Kopa, TCB - The Culture Business, and the University of Padua.
Visit now https://biografilmgenerazionidigitali.it/
Initiative realised within the framework of the National Plan Cinema and Images for Schools promoted by MiC and MIM https://cinemaperlascuola.istruzione.it/