11 March 2024

The call for projects for the Bio to B - Industry Days Fiction Factory is now open!

The call for entries is open to authors, screenwriters, directors, writers and anyone with an original subject suitable for becoming a book, a film, or both. Participation of fiction subjects is allowed without limitations of genre and format (e.g. feature film, series, novel, short story, etc.).

The selected projects will compete for the Fiction Factory Award@From Book to Film 2024 assigned by the participating audience, composed of publishing and audiovisual players.

To apply, simply fill in the form at the following link: https://forms.gle/yeWtzm43aQbMFwA89

Entry is free of charge and the deadline for submitting projects for selection is Sunday 07 April 2024.

For more information on the call for entries visit the webpage Fiction Factory Showcase 

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