05 May 2023
With May 1 just days away, Biografilm also unveils a focus on labor through three European films dedicated to the current condition of workers and their ongoing struggle for rights in the changing working condition that sees a profound change from the industrial dynamics of the early 20th century.
Part of the Contemporary Lives section, After Work (2023, 81';) by award-winning documentary filmmaker Erik Gandini explores what the work ethic is today and what a labor-free existence might look like. After Work is produced by Fasad (Sweden), co-produced by Propaganda Italia and Rai Cinema and distributed by Fandango starting June 15.
In Ami-Ro Sköld's The Store (2022, 120';), an Italian premiere at Biografilm in the Beyond Fiction section, a discount store of a successful chain in Sweden turns into a trench as working conditions continue to deteriorate and even the most basic human rights are not respected. The Store is an international co-production featuring Indyca.
In its Italian premiere as a Special Event at Biografilm in collaboration with DocPoint and Next Generation, John Webster's The Happy Worker - Or How Work Was Sabotaged (2022, 82';) unveils the systemic issues that undermine the workplace, using an ironic approach while not losing sight of the consequences these environments can have on employees'; physical and mental health.
The festival, which benefits from the artistic direction of Massimo Benvegnù and Chiara Liberti, will be an opportunity to analyze the most pressing issues of the present through dedicated paths within the selection. The full program will be available starting May 31 at www.biografilm.it.