22 January 2024

Bio to B - Industry Days is in Biarritz to participate in FIPADOC!

The collaboration between Bio to B and Fipadoc includes an award - which will be awarded by Guido Casali to one of the projects presented at the Pitching Forum in Biarritz and two events:

- Producers meet Producers (14.30 - 16.30 on January 23rd) - Sessions to create networks between producers on a European scale.

- Espresso with the Italians (14.30 - 16.30 on January 24th) - a round table with Guido Casali and other documentary professionals to discover the opportunities offered by Italy. In collaboration with Doc/it - Associazione Documentaristi Italiani and Film Commission Torino Piemonte

(In the photo, together with Guido Casali, Christine Camdessus - director of Fipadoc - a Bio to B 2023, while rewarding one of the projects of the Pitching Forum of Bio to B)

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