BIO TO B 2021

Bio to B – Industry days

Bio to B | Industry days is the annual appointment that Biografilm Festival devotes to business-to-business networking between audiovisual professionals. The goal is to promote and support Italian and European productions of character-driven documentaries and biopics. The 8th edition will take place in Bologna 10-12 June 2021.

Check out the Bio to B Programme 10 - 12 June here
To attend Bio to B 2021, please click and register here

Participating in the works: Italian and international Film Commissions, producers, distributors, festivals, commissioning editors, project scouts.

Through a call promoted on the festival website and social networks, it is possible to register your documentary project for the Bio to B selection. The projects selected by the artistic direction of the festival, will be presented and discussed during the Pitching Forum, after participating in the Pitching Lab during which the pitch will be prepared at its best.

Bio to B Pitching Lab
The teams of the selected projects are actively involved in the online workshop for the preparation of the presentation: three days of activities, advices and suggestions by the tutor Stefano Tealdi on how to best present your project and its protagonists, how to identify the key points for an international appeal of the project, how to emphasize the relationship between the subject, the treatment and the teaser, how to inspire trust in the audience of the pitch.
The participation in the Lab is mandatory and is reserved for the representatives of the selected projects (director and producer).
The three days, fully online, will include: a plenary session on pitching with all the selected teams, group work (4-5 projects per group) on the presentation of each project, an open clinic for questions regarding the project, a final rehearsal of the recorded pitches.

Bio to B Pitching Forum
Bio to B - Pitching Forum which will be held on 10th and 11th of June in Bologna where we will present the 13 selected projects of Bio to B 2021 with an audience of international experts and decision makers.

Check out the Bio to B 2021 Decision Makers here

The project  teams will present their proposals with a recorded pitch. For the projects in development, the pitch should be about 7’, with a teaser not longer than 3’. For the projects at a rough cut stage, the pitch (not longer than 15’) should include a 8-10’ clip of film material. In both cases, the pitch should also include a presentation of the project and the key professionals involved, and all the necessary information (directors’ notes, production structure, motivations, etc.). All the presentations will be made in English and all the video material not in English must have English subtitles.

One-to-one meetings
The pitch teams will have the opportunity to discuss their projects in more depth on a one-to-one level with industry guests.

NB. All pitches must be made in English. It is the responsibility of those submitting the projects to ensure that they have an English-speaking presenter of the pitch (a basic English level is enough) and that the video materials have English subtitles. Any support needed in this area will be the responsibility of those submitting the films.


Here the Bio to B 2021 Project Catalogue

Here Bio to B 2021 Regulation


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