BIO TO B 2017

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Bio to B – Doc & Biopic Business Meeting is the annual event which Biografilm Festival – International Celebration of Lives, dedicates to networking between cinema professionals. The objective is to promote and support Italian and European productions of documentaries, biographies and biopics.

Cinema professionals from all over Europe meet during the three days of activity of networking and business. Pitching sessions, from 18 European filmmakers will take place in front of sales agents, international distributors, commissioning editors, directors of international festivals and representatives from the major TV channels.

From the top sellers eight made up the jury for this year’s event and assigned three grants for the best projects presented: Best European Project, Best Italian Project, Best Project from Emilia-Romagna. With the possibility to win in more than one category.

Please find a full list of projects below presented at Bio to B 2017, of the projects selected this year, Michael Madsen, noted Danish documentary maker and video artist premiered his latest project.

The jury for 2017 was made up of: Catherine Le Clef – President, Cat&Docs; Anaïs Clanet – General Manager, Wide House; Philippa Kowarsky – Managing Director, Cinephil; Adam Neuhaus – Director of Development, ESPN; Louis Balsan – International Sales, Film Boutique; Scott Veltri – Head of International Sales, Magnolia Pictures; Diana Karklin – Sales Acquisitions Manager, Rise & Shine; Rob Williams – Vice President, Participant Media.

Bio to B takes place in collaboration with Regione Emilia-Romagna, Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali del Turismo, D.E-R Documentaristi Emilia-Romagna, Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission to offer to professionals of the documentary sector the opportunity to meet and network on an international level.

Here are the winning projects for 2017:

Best European Project White Cube by Wojtek Pustola

Best Italian Project Sqizo by Duccio Fabbri

Best Project from Emilia-Romagna Disco Ruins by Francesca Zerbetto


Click here to download the full programme for 2017

Click here to download the guest catalogue for 2017

BiotoB2017 group


Here is the complete list of projects:

Constructing Albert           
by Laura Collado, Jim Loomis (Spain) 

Listen to My Song   
by Danny Mitchell (United Kingdom, Columbia)

by Michael Madsen (Denmark, Finland, France) 

Valentin - Son of Europe   
Original title: Valentin - Figlio d'Europa   
by Antonio Martino (Italia, Romania, France)

White Cube   
by Wojtek Pustola (Poland)

by Giacomo Abbruzzese (Italy) 

Cuban Dancer 

by Roberto Salinas (Italy, USA)

A look at the Ground

Original Title: Uno sguardo alla terra 
by Peter Marcias (Italy)

Sons of Mostar  

Original Title: Djeca Mostare - Figli di Mostar     
by Dan Daddy (Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina) 


By Duccio Fabbri (Italy)

Tasmania Buyers Club
by  Nicola Moruzzi (Italy)

Underwater Habits            
Original Title: L'ora d'acqua          
by Claudia Cipriani (Italy)

Cesare Maltoni: the scientist who changed our lives  

Original Title: Un ritratto di Cesare Maltoni 
by Alessandro Rossi, Michele Mellara (Italy)

Disco Ruins   
by Francesca Zerbetto (Italy)

The Children Of Pentcho 
Original Title: I bambini del Pentcho        
by Stefano Cattini (Italy, United Kingdom)

The Man with the Lantern   
Original Title: L'uomo con la lanterna      
by Francesca Lixi (Italy)

Waiting for the Perfect Poet       
Original Title: A casa del poeta non esiste il pianto
by Stefano Croci, Silvia Siberini (Italy, Holland) 

Sounding Nutshells
Original Title: Noci Sonanti     
by Damiano Giacomelli, Lorenzo Raponi

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